Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Debit or credit?

I was at the grocery store Friday night picking up some groceries when I went to pay for my stuff, opened my wallet and noticed the empty slot. Oh crap, where's my debit card! Of course my mind began to race - where could it be? Did it get stolen? Is it in one of my pockets? Did I mistakenly eat it when I was hungry this afternoon? While this inner turmoil was carrying on I calmly took out one of my credit cards and swiped it through the machine. As I rushed home my mind was racing - where did I use it last? I got home and dumped my purse out on the coffee table and emptied my wallet. Nope, not there. Then I went to the internet to make sure we still had money in the account. Phew. Then I went and looked at where I last used it and it all came back to me. The last time I had used it was at the post office on Monday. Curse you post office! They always set the card down on the counter instead of handing it back to you. (Notice how I accept no blame for losing my own property!) I immediately wanted to rush to the post office and get my card, hoping that it had been found and would be waiting for me. By this time it was almost 7pm and that wasn't going to happen. So I had not missed the card all week long and then once I had finally figured out it was gone I was all in a rush to get it back. Seeing as no one had charge anything to the card in a week's time seemed to be a good indication that the card had been safely thrown into some post office drawer where they keep all the hundreds of cards they don't hand back to people. We took a special trip downtown on Saturday to retrieve the card. The postal worker just asked for my ID, went in the back and fished around in the drawer for the right card. I feel much better now that the card is safe and sound in its proper slot.

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