Thursday, December 4, 2008

You know what is awesome?

When you sneeze right as you are putting on your mascara. It happened to me this morning and this is kinda what I looked like afterward:
Don't you love giant mascara blink marks? I hate it when that happens. The sneeze's force rocked my arm up and I almost stabbed my eye out with the mascara wand. I'm lucky I escaped without serious injury. Why is it when you have a tickle in your nose that become priority #1 to the body and all other functions are thrown out the window?


Natalie | Make Today Great said...

I sneezed right after I read this...then I started laughing. Don't make me look like such an idiot in my cubicle! haha

Camilla said...

Or what about when you have to cough and sneeze at the same time? Now that's a doozey!