Friday, June 6, 2008


Okay, so I'm officially in the club. I just finished the first Twilight book and I loved it! I'm hooked! I know I am late jumping on the bandwagon but I am soooo on it now. I was such a bad girl and I brought Twilight to work yesterday telling myself that I would just read it while I was eating lunch. Well I'm a liar. I couldn't resist the temptation and I ended up reading it for most of the day. I'd set it down after a chapter and then it would just call to me and I'd have to pick it up again. I know, worst employee ever. I finished it though and now I've got to get my hands on the second one. I'm now a vampire fan - vampires are hot! Mom, I'm coming over to get it today!


Camilla said...

I haven't read these books yet. I need to get my hands on them.

Unknown said...

I am a Twilight junkie myself - I am going to the midnight book release party on Aug. 2 at Barnes & Noble to get the 4th book!

Angelo Outlaw said...

Not only did I read the first two books...I stole the third one from my wife's shipping box practically on the day it came. Uhhh...yeah...I got hooked.