Thursday, February 28, 2008


Work has just been all consuming the last few weeks and I will be glad to see February go. Too many huge projects all at once. When your life has been too busy to blog your life is just too busy! Today when I was creating on my 10+ page spreadsheet I mindlessly named it "Total Breakdown." When I opened it later the title seemed quite ironic and it made me laugh which was actually kind of therapeutic.


heidi said...

I totally understand girl. I feel like I've been on strike or something from my blog too these days. When will it all ever slow down and when will we ever get a break from all the worries in life? Probably not anytime soon but it sure is fun to think about....cant wait to do YW stuff!

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

I'm totally done with February too. I always think that leap days are cool -- but nooo, not this month. Adam and I have already declared March "think positive month"

Angelo Outlaw said...

Deadlines...that is my life right now, impossible to meet deadlines. I feel my wifie's pain.